Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

As I write, there is less than 12 hours left in 2009. I wonder what the new year will bring? Happiness? Sadness? What successes will I have? What trials or struggles will I face? Will the Chicago Cubs win the World Series in 2o1o? New Year's Day is the perfect time to reflect on the past and ponder the unknown future we are about to experience.

Many people like to make resolutions on New Year's Day. These are goals they resolve, or promise, to do better or differently. My New Year's resolution is to exercise more in the coming year. What is your New Year's resolution?

Happy New Year! I look forward to seeing you again in a few days.

Oh yes, and....Go State, Beat Tigers!


  1. My New Year's resolutiion is to pay more atttention to my dog Sandi. We took her to the vet's the other day to get her yearly check-up and the doctor said she needs to be excercised more so I am going to excercie with her more often. She loves to take midnight I am going to walk her more so she doesn't wake up the neighbors roaming and I don't wake them up by screaming for her name. That is my New Year's resolution.

  2. HAPPY NEW YEARS Mr. Rogers!!!!!!!!

  3. I am at Griffin's house with him and Tyler for the night. Happy new year!

  4. My New Years resolution is to stop fighting with my little brother. He gets on my nerves a lot so we tend to fight and i want that to stop because it always ends up getting me in trouble. I will probably just stay away from him when he is angry or mad, which is often. That is my New Years resolution for 2010.

  5. Happy New Year!!

  6. I was at a party with Marissa, Olivia, Laura, Becca, Annie, Megan, and Kelcey Coppola! =]]]]
